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Reflections Quarterly Newsletter

July 2003 Volume 34, Issue 3

Mary Platter-Rieger
Preservation on the Point Award

Mary Platter-Rieger has single-handedly done morePIP winnner to preserve historic resources on Point Loma than a civilian can count. Using Environmental Funds from the former Naval Submarine Base in San Diego, Mary restored a 1915 Coast Artillery Searchlight at Battery White, a 1917 street light on Rosecrans Street, and she hired Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA, to develop structural preservation reports for the 1898 Battery Wilkeson and the 1908 Army Post Exchange. She funded and managed the restoration of the staircase at the 115th Company Coast Artillery Barracks and supervised the installation of 25 historic signs throughout the Fort Rosecrans Historic District. Through her innovation, knowledge of the system, and dogged dedication to history, Mary has saved dozens of threatened buildings in the Fort Rosecrans Historic District over the past 25 years.



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