Airport Draft EIR Recirculated for Public Comment
Public Comments Due November 4
By Marlena Krcelich
November/December 2019
 Primary components of the airport development plan. Courtesy San Diego International Airport
San Diego International Airport (SDIA) continues to move forward on renovations to accommodate increasing numbers of travelers. Now serving 24 million passengers per year and expecting thousands more, officials released their Airport Development Plan and environmental impact report (EIR) in July. The goals: increasing efficiency in both operations and energy use, expanding each terminal's passenger capacity, linking Terminals 1 and 2 and adding a new roadway to improve ground transportation. SDIA received a lot of negative feedback on the plan's first draft and EIR; a revised (a.k.a. recirculated) draft EIR is out for public comment now. Go HERE to read the plan.
Then, please email your comments by November 4 to planning@san.org (See last sentence for SOHO's suggested message.)
 Postcard of United Air Hanger and Terminal, circa 1931, on upper right side, courtesy of Gary Fogel |
SOHO met with airport officials in October to discuss the development plan regarding the facility's historic buildings. Read a summary of our initial concerns HERE. It is their intention to replace Terminal 1 (1957), due to the plans for a two-level roadway. A portion of the façade might be retained, or, as it was also suggested, saved and reused as an art installation.
All along, SOHO has advocated for the preservation and relocation of the United Airlines Hangar and Terminal building (UAHT). Constructed in circa 1931, it is the oldest surviving building on airport grounds. The building was designed as a Spanish Revival and Modernist hybrid hangar, originally located on Pacific Highway. Airport officials moved it to its current location in 1952. Despite some renovations over the years, UAHT meets National Register designation criteria through association with historic events.
The good news: SDIA officials now acknowledge the structure's historic significance and have a plan to accommodate the hangar in future airport reconfigurations and updates. While the exact use and location of the UAHT building has yet to be determined, SOHO was able to review various courses of action and alternatives, and we support this progress. We will continue monitoring developments while waiting for the final EIR.
Many thanks if you sent written comments on the draft EIR or recirculated EIR. As noted above, if you haven't yet responded and can do so by November 4, email planning@san.org. Please emphasize the need for public access to the historic UAHT building along with its return to an appropriate use and its former glory.