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Update on Wireless Facilities in Historic Neighborhoods
By Marlena Krcelich
September/October 2019

Kensington and other San Diego historic neighborhoods and potential historic districts now stand a chance of preserving their character when 5G wireless equipment is installed. Kensington residents in particular expressed their deep concern to city officials that 5G service poles and antennas could ruin the appearance of their powerline-free streets and diminish their historic charm. The City Council responded to their concerns at its July 23 meeting by approving language for internet companies regarding the placement and appearance of this equipment throughout all historic streets and sites. This an important win for historic neighborhoods, as this language will be included in the Land Development Code update now in the works.

Powerpoint slide showing the WCF Guidelines.

Courtesy City of San Diego

Previously, SOHO, neighborhood planning groups, and other stakeholders alerted city officials in June that new cellular towers were likely to negatively impact the appearance and ambience of San Diego's historic neighborhoods. After collaborating with the City's wireless communications team and Historical Resources Board staff, SOHO contacted Councilmembers about adjusting the wireless infrastructure guidelines for these areas. SOHO supported the HRB staff's proposed solution: Facilities located within a designated historic district must comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. This language wisely applies to potential future historic districts too, as it may be years before these areas are designated.

Read the City of San Diego's Wireless Communications Facilities Guidelines (July 2019) HERE.













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