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Wireless Facilities Could Mar Historic Neighborhood Character
July/August 2019

Light pole with wireless utilities at Trias Street and Fort Stockton Drive in Mission Hills

Trias Street and Fort Stockton Drive in Mission Hills. Courtesy City of San Diego

SOHO and several Kensington residents have been closely following the twelfth update to the City of San Diego Land Development Code (LDC) process. This includes amending regulations for wireless communication facilities to conform to state and federal laws by allowing ministerial approval, when meeting standard conditions and design requirements, for small cell facilities within public rights of way. Ministerial approval would allow for new freestanding cellular towers to be installed in many of San Diego's historic areas, such as Kensington, where the utilities have been underground since 1926. This code revision would bring highly visible, ugly equipment to Kensington and other historic communities with aesthetic and architectural character and a sense of place.

Thankfully, so far, city officials oppose this unsightly intrusion into our most desirable and beloved neighborhoods. On June 6, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that wireless facilities installation remain a Process 2 item, which means planning groups would review the plans and the Secretary of Interior's Standards would apply to both historic districts and potential historic districts. At the Council's June 12 Land Use and Housing Committee meeting, this recommendation was unanimously approved to move to the full council. However, because the Planning Commission's motion was not part of the council presentation, Councilmember Chris Ward asked SOHO to discuss it with him before the LDC's twelfth update goes to the full Council on July 23. (Read the staff report).

Retaining the current approval process is not a done deal, so please contact your councilmember today to express your concern regarding the potential for adverse visual and other impacts to historic communities. Thank you!













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