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Exploring Your Historic Home’s Past: San Diego City Directories

Editor’s note: Recently on Facebook, Rick Crawford, San Diego historian, researcher, and retired supervisor of the San Diego Central Library’s Special Collections, posted about San Diego City Directories. We borrowed directly from his educational post to create this short article, which makes a useful companion piece for the Sanborn Fire Maps Insurance article SOHO published in Our Heritage News in 2022.

1913 San Diego Directory. Courtesy City Archives

In the annals of local history, the city directory sheds light on the lives and businesses that shaped the San Diego community. Distinct from and predating phone books, these directories were published for San Diego between 1874 and 1984 (plus a small 1876 book).

For historic homeowners, these directories can be a valuable tool for understanding the history of their property. Delving into the city directories can be exciting, revealing the names of individuals who once called your property home. You can uncover the identities of previous owners, offering a tangible connection to the past and a sense of continuity with those who came before.

The directories also can provide insights into the occupations and businesses associated with your property over the years. Understanding the historical context of your property adds depth and meaning to its story, plus further research avenues, if you like.

Directory entries are organized in alphabetical order by personal surnames or business names. For those seeking a particular address, look at the directories from 1926 onward, which prove to be an invaluable resource. These volumes include a street index, making it possible to locate a specific occupant even without prior knowledge of their name. Whether one is researching a historical building or tracing the footsteps of a long-lost relative, this street index offers a crucial guide to navigate through the city's changing landscape.

Fortunately, many of San Diego's city directories have been digitized, ensuring their accessibility for generations to come. We can thank the Internet Archive and the San Diego City Archives for making these resources available online. The Internet Archive's digital collection encompasses volumes up from 1876 to 1925, offering a fascinating window into the city's formative years. The San Diego City Archives, on the other hand, maintains a comprehensive collection up to 1960. Each is a valuable, multilayered repository for researchers and historians.

For those who prefer a more tactile experience, explore the original hard copy volumes in person at the Special Collections section of the downtown Central Library at 330 Park Boulevard. San Diego's city directories offer historical knowledge and a multifaceted view of the city's evolution and its people. Beyond addresses or contact information, these directories provide insight into the social, cultural, and economic fabric of the community.

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