North Chapel Update
March/April 2020
 The historic North Chapel, 2881 Roosevelt Road, Liberty Station. Courtesy SDNews.com |
The preservation and possible change of use of the North Chapel at Liberty Station by 828 Venue Management Co. have been unclear for several months (READ). But early in 2020, 828 submitted plans to the City of San Diego that aim to turn this sacred space into an event and catering facility using federal historic tax credits. The chapel was built in 1942 at what was then the Naval Training Center in memory of those lost in the Pearl Harbor attack.
Instead of presenting their proposal to the city's Historical Resources Board, as is the customary first step for a change of use, 828 sought the approval of the National Park Service and the State Historic Preservation Office. 828's proposal includes the removal of several pews (many to be stored off site) and side chapel altar components, new wall openings, and relocating the organ. NPS and SHPO approved the plans as being consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
However, the city's historic preservation staff adhered to the City Attorney's January 2019 memo, which states that the chapel's wood furniture, pews, pulpit, choir screen altars, organ grille, and balcony railing are to be considered part of the designation. Therefore, a city Site Development Permit will be required to remove or alter these character-defining features. While it is unknown if 828 will pursue the SDP route, city officials have taken an important legal stand to preserve the North Chapel's significance and integrity.