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Architectural Salvage San Diego
Carrie Clark
(619) 550-9244 · architecturalsalvagesd.com
1861 B Main Street, San Diego 92113
Antique/vintage building supplies. Doors, windows, hardware, as well as art, furnishings, and curios.
License #99-1118466
Colombo Tile
David Colombo
(619) 813-2740 · colombotile.com
Old World tile specialist
License #569623
Fitzgerald Tile
Chuck Fitzgerald
(619) 447-7563
Tile setter
Levi Casias Fine Art
Levi Casias
(760) 889-1684 · levicasias@gmail.com
Historical Restoration, preservation, reproduction of architectural adornments, cartouches, and tile.
Christopher Linback Tile
(619) 471-4291 · linbacktile.com
CL #422835
American Olean
(888) 268-8453 · americanolean.com
Complete range of manufactured wall and floor tile including unglazed mosaics in 1" hexagons and 1" and 2" squares.
Ann Sacks Tile & Stone
(858) 268-3723 · annsacks.com
Subway tile
Mannington Commercial
(800) 356-6787 · mannington.com
Manufacturer and distributor of commercial tile products that closely match the appearance of historic linoleum and vinyl composition tile (VCT) patterns
Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
(216) 239-9797
Tile designs of Henry Chapman Mercer
Old House Artisan
5933 E Adderley Drive, Long Beach, CA 90808
John Douglas
(310) 780-8720 · oldhouseartisan.com · jddesigns@mac.com
Historic home repairs, stenciling, design and consultation. On Instagram at oldhouseartisan.
Sheldon Slate Products
(207) 997-3615 · sheldonslate.com
Mining and manufacture of slate products. Sinks, counters, floor tile, and roofing
Subway Ceramics
(888) 387-3280 · subwaytile.com
Tile Restoration Center
(206) 633-4866 · tilerestorationcenter.com
Accurate reproductions of tilemaker Ernest Batchelder and Claycraft designs, also custom and original work