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Utilize SOHO's Old House Resource Directory for help with your old house restoration, renovation, and rehabilitation. You will find listings from throughout San Diego County of much needed products and craftspeople, designers and architects, and a multitude of services for assisting you with all aspects of work for your old house. Some national listings are included.

SOHO makes no claims or endorsements regarding any products or services listed in the Old House Resource Directory. Inclusion in the directory should not be interpreted as a recommendation of the listee or an endorsement of their work by SOHO.

Recommendations for Property Owners
SOHO strongly encourages all property owners to take the following steps when hiring tradespeople, consultants, businesses, or artisans:

  • Request and verify references
  • Confirm that their licenses and insurance meet your local requirements for the scope of work
  • Review examples of their past projects to ensure quality and compatibility with your needs

Taking these precautions will help ensure that your historic property receives the care and expertise it deserves.

Submit your business listing to be included in the Old House Resource Directory.

Already have a listing and you need to make a change? Submit your update change here.


NOTE: Listings on category pages are in alphabetical order first by local, state or regional and national.


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