Support those who support SOHO

SOHO is proud to announce
The Official Media Sponsor
of select SOHO events & programs
The nation's longest-running regional shelter magazine, now in its thirty-first year, is teaming with Save Our Heritage Organisation to assist in promoting SOHO events and programs, Michael Evans, associate publisher of San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles magazine, and Alana Coons, events and education director of SOHO, have announced jointly. To kick off the alliance, San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles was the official media sponsor of SOHO's 2010 Annual Historic Home Tour and the inaugural May Day at the Marston House - San Diego's Garden Party.
"We are two time-tested organizations that are proud of San Diego's heritage and we're happy to do our part to assist SOHO in its goals to increase membership rolls and public attendance at events," Evans said.
"Our connection with San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles magazine on these two annual events marks the beginning of a valued partnership, which will help to draw attention to our events, programs and membership drives," Coons said.
"Because our interests are compatible, SOHO and SDH/GL are natural allies in recognizing deserving individuals and organizations who advance historic preservation in the region," Coons said. "It makes sense for our groups to become industry partners because the magazine has an admirable record of publishing historic home features, news, home tours and events. By becoming our exclusive media sponsor, SOHO can count on a seamless promotion effort for each of our events."
While future ideas and programs are still being discussed, one area that members can already support both SOHO and our media sponsor is by taking advantage of their offer of one-year subscriptions to San Diego Home/Garden magazine to our members for $18 per year, with $9 of that subscription going to SOHO. The magazine will also be made available in SOHO museum shops at the Marston and Whaley Houses with proceeds being shared.
Founded in San Diego in 1979, San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles instantly became a highly respected regional publication geared at homeowners and gardeners as well as a showcase for the region's top architects, landscapers, interior designers, artists and artisans, restaurants and advertisers catering to the homeowner. With a growing readership of 231,000 persons per month (verified by the Media Audit, December 2009), the magazine has earned the highest readership in San Diego of any locally published magazine.
From the Editor
The Cosmopolitan Hotel: A Resurrection of the Past
Most Endangered List of
Historic Resources
Lead Paint: What's at Stake?
The California Theatre Under Siege
10-Year Anniversary at the Whaley House
Marston House - First Year Retrospective
People In Preservation Winners
An Evening Well Spent at PIP
Preservation Community
Book Review
Strength in Numbers
Donations 2010
Lost San Diego
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