Most Endangered
Historic Rockwood Ranch purchased by Rancho Guejito Development interests
By Bruce Coons

The Rockwood ranch house, 2007
The 100-acre Rockwood Ranch, which connects the San Pasqual Valley with Rancho Guejito, was purchased by Rodney Company under the name of Guejito Gate in July 2006. This is part of their plan to develop the Rancho and would provide another access route to Guejito. A new major roadway is planned up this steep, wildly beautiful and historic canyon; currently the only access is from Lake Wolford.
The barn at Rockwood, 2007
The Rockwood Ranch was founded in 1881 by Bernard B. Rockwood and still retains its original Victorian ranch house built in 1883 and one of the last great ranch barns from the Victorian period in the county, which was built in 1882.
The ranch was the home of Mary Rockwood Peet who lived in the house for 61 years. She wrote the book San Pasqual, a Crack in the Hills in 1949. This book is still the only real history of the valley, its residents and legends.
The beautiful canyon contains many Native American, historic and natural sites including Rockwood falls on Guejito Creek and the famous Spirit Picture Rock. The legend of the rock concerns a jealous Indian husband named Que-ahl, who upon returning from a hunting trip found his wife sitting with another man beneath the giant rock where they had made their home, laughing about some news from their home village. In a jealous rage he accused his wife of being unfaithful and fitted an arrow to his bow to shoot her. She came toward him falling to her knees pleading, just then she saw Que-ahl looking past her at the giant rock with an awestruck expression on his face. On the face of the rock had appeared a painted representation of the whole scene with Que-ahl standing over her kneeling form with the bow drawn. This brought the husband to his senses and they lived happily the rest of their lives. You can still see the remnants of this today in Rockwood Canyon.
This very important historic ranch connects San Diego county's two best cultural landscapes. It needs to be included in a preserved conservation area that includes San Pasqual Valley and the whole of Rancho Guejito.
Photos by Bruce Coons |
From the Editor
Most Endangered
A Brief History of Rancho Guejito
Another Part of the Story
The Threat
The Beauty of our State Parks in Peril
The Cultural Landscape Connection to Historic Preservation
What is a Cultural Landscape?
The Historic Home Landscape and Gardens
A Short Landscape Glossary
Importance of the Garden in Home Planning
When was Modern New?
Every Bungalow Represents our History
History Repeating
The Sherman-Glbert House
150th Anniversary of the Jackass Mail
Strength in Numbers
Lost San Diego
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