Hope Springs Eternal
By Beth Montes
A few weeks ago and for the second year in a row, I was a member of the People in Preservation Awards jury. It was such a positive experience, made even more pleasant because so much of what we preservationists deal with is negative; the constant battle against teardowns, the endless negotiation sessions, the court fights, and more can sap one's resolve. But, the night the jury met was fun. We had a little pizza and began to discuss the nominations.
Every nomination was a positive affirmation that there are people out there who are getting it. They are working hard to restore their homes, stripping away years of indignities, replacing features that were removed in some era of insanity. Some are professionals whose work we see nominated time and time again. And we are thrilled to recognize them over and over because they continue to do superb work by educating clients, applying Secretary of the Interior Standards for restoration and rehabilitation, and refusing to compromise. Some nominees have been interested in preservation for years, while others are young historians in training. Some never pick up a hammer, but instead use words to rally support.
By the end of the evening, I felt recharged, even hopeful. I recently read an article, which argued the premise that hope is a bad thing when it comes to activism because when one has hope it is easy to hope that someone else will take up the fight. The author stated that it is only when there is no hope left that we realize it is up to us to take up the sword. While I can see some of the logic behind his thinking, I prefer to think a little hope goes a long way as long as we use it to recharge our batteries and keep plugging away.
I felt this same rejuvenation after the awards ceremony at the newly renovated Naval Training Center library on May 19th where we recognized the ten individuals or groups for their excellent work. I'll bet all those in attendance that evening felt the same way. |
A Call to Action
Hope Springs Eternal
A Cultural Landscape
Economics, Sustainability & Historic Preservation
The Turquoise House
A Most Appalling Display
100 Lost Buildings in San Diego
2006 Most Endangered List
2006 People In Preservation Winners
PIP An Evening of Celebration
Chorus Breviarii at the Adobe Chapel
Ramona's Real Marriage Place Can Now be Your Marriage Place Too
Whaley House Featured in Museum Showcase
Our New Intern
Volunteer & Staff Appreciation
Youth Volunteer Docent Program at SOHO
Letters to SOHO
From One Famous Mansion to Another
Remembering the Overbaugh Mansion
In Memoriam: Pat Schaelchlin
Do we have your current email address?
Would you like your home to be considered for a SOHO Home Tour?
Strength in Numbers
Lost San Diego
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