Getting to Know Your SOHO Staff
Maureen McLellan is a native of New Orleans and began as a volunteer with SOHO in 2000 while in her junior year of high school. She is now a junior at San Diego State University majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management with an emphasis in events, conventions and attractions. Maureen is now the Assistant Events and Education Coordinator, and handles Membership for SOHO. Maureen is an exceptional young woman who is able to assist with any manner of office or museum duties and is a real asset to the organization.
Preservation Wins and Winners
Happy New Year!
The Ranch House at Warner's
Progress Report on Red Roost/Red Rest
Balboa Theatre
SOHO Files Suit in Del Mar to Stop Demolition
2004 Historical Landmarks
Mission Hills Heritage
SOHO would like to extend appreciation
In Memoriam
Adobe Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
Our Wish List for the Adobe Chapel
Thank You's
Adobe Chapel Welcomes the Old Town Community
An Exciting Opportunity for Volunteers
Bringing History Alive at the Whaley House
Who is the Chinese Gardener at the Whaley House?
Cheap San Diego Housing
Resource Directory (33-page pdf)
Four Treatment Approaches
Yeah, yeah, yeah - Modernism Rocks!
Some Like It Preserved
People In Preservation
Getting to Know Your SOHO Staff
Houses Available, Must be Moved
Notice: Date Moved for SOHO Board Directors Meetings
Notice to all Members with email
Found San Diego
Strength in Numbers
Lost San Diego
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