2005 Calendar Modernist Houses
By Alana Coons, Events & Education Coordinator
Wow, what an eventful time the last few months have been. Thank you to all our members who attended the various events. We try to meet your expectations and interest throughout the year and welcome your suggestions and input. Remember that as a member one of your privileges is to participate on a SOHO committee.
The Annual Membership Meeting and Board of Directors election were held September 21st at beautiful Rancho Guajome in Vista. The museum is a County Park and if you have never visited this historic site before, do yourself a big favor and go see this remarkable hacienda. Visit the website: https://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/parks/camping/guajome.html for information on hours and special holiday events at Guajome. Many long time members and quite a few new faces were seen. Delicious food was brought and shared by all at this annual potluck and the rangers at Guajome were gracious and helpful as they always are. Tours were given by County Historian Lynne Christenson with wonderful storyboards throughout the hacienda that were produced by Ellen and Melvin Sweet. Thank you Lynne, Ellen and Melvin!
On September 30 the Verna House restoration and Heritage Park celebration was a well-attended lovely event. Certificate of appreciation were presented to Supervisor Ron Roberts, and along with the San Diego County Department of Parks & Recreation, Director Renée Bahl, District Parks Manager Jake Enriquez and County Historian, Lynne Christenson.
Our partnership with San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation has been a rewarding experience from the start and it continues to be. The County of San Diego has made the protection of their historic and cultural resources a priority and it is quite evident in their Old Town properties, both the Whaley House complex and Heritage Park.
County Supervisor Ron Roberts was on hand for the ribbon cutting and said a few words of wisdom and made acknowledgments. Supervisor Roberts has been a force in the restoration of the Whaley House and complex and he has our deep gratitude for his continued commitment to historic preservation.
The month of October can best be described as a month of non-stop activity. With the eight evenings of special programs at the Whaley House and the much-expanded three-day Modernism Weekend we had all we could handle! THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!! SOHO membership and staff volunteered for both of these events and made it all possible. I know we say it often, but it just can not be said enough, it is your volunteerism that makes SOHO work and you have the gratitude of the entire organization.
Modernism Weekend was successful on all accounts. With Chairperson Bill Lawrence at the helm, the Modernism committee put on quite an event of lectures, parties, architectural tours along with the Sunday historic home tour that was pretty astounding in its scope. Visitors were very happy and we were thanked again and again by people who so appreciated our organization for providing a venue for the Sunday historic home tour that was pretty astounding in its scope. Visitors were very happy and we were thanked again and again by people who so appreciated our organization for providing a venue for their period of passion. Funds were also raised through the SOHO Museum Shop, which was open at the venue during the weekend, and did an astounding business in books. Special thanks to all our homeowners, speakers and volunteers for making this weekend possible. Thanks go to this fantastic committee who were involved in every aspect: Bill Lawrence, chairperson; Alana Coons; Mike D'Ambrosia; Homer Delawie; John Eisenhart; Jason Gould; Carmen Pauli; Todd Pitman; Christopher Pro; Heather Sullivan and Keith York. Thanks to Jessica McGee, Julie Kolb and Maureen McLellan for staff support.
Halloween at the Whaley House raised close to $18,000 this year! These funds are used solely for the ongoing restoration of the house. The volunteers and our docents worked for months to create a new program and to continue to enhance and improve from each prior year. They researched many aspects of Victorian lifestyles from mourning practices to floral arrangements that they could incorporate into the All Hallows Eve theme. They wrote scripts, rehearsed for weeks, made period garments and so much more. I would like to call out just a few of the October/All Hallows Eve committee members who truly gave their all to raising these much needed funds and in creating a program that visitors would enjoy: co-chairs Lynn Hamilton and Robin Sweeten, Jokie Tolentino, Bob Feldman, Victor Santana and David Swarens; Vykki Mende Grey performed nightly on guitar in the parlor as guest came through thereby addng so much to the ambiance that one could really imagine Anna Whaley doing the same a hundred years or so ago. Next on the restoration list is the courtroom, general store and dining room. It is the October funds coupled with the grant monies provided by Supervisor Ron Roberts that has accelerated the transformation of the Whaley House to its the 19th century look.
Don't miss the holidays at the Whaley House and the Adobe chapel this year. And of course mark your calendar right away for the SOHO member's only Holiday Potluck party. December 11th, this years party is a very special one, not only is the house a fabulous Colonial Revival estate but the owner truly enjoys holiday decorating and I am told that no one who loves Christmas décor will want to miss it!

Council Illegally Overturns Historic Designation
Uplifting Successes, Heartbreaking Losses
Old Police Headquarters Saved!
Historic Electric Laundry Company Building
Chandler House to be Saved from "The Big Sleep"
Kunzel House Receives State Historic Designation
SOHO Recognized at the 2004 Alonzo Awards
City Council Voting Record
Requa & Jackson House in Peril
A New First for Mission Hills
Proposal for Extension of Regents Road over Rose Canyon
SOHO Receives Stewardship of Adobe Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
in Old Town
Mrs. Whaley's Garden News
Some Like it Preserved
House to be Moved
SOHO Receives Donation from American Specialty Health
Events & Education
Halloween Follow-Up
Invitation to 2004 SOHO Holiday Party
Enjoy the Holidays with SOHO
Meet Your 2004 Board of Directors
2005 Calendar
Modernist Houses
Strength in Numbers
Lost San Diego
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