Meet Summer Intern Stephanie Gordin
Hello, my name is Stephanie Gordin and I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself as the newest member of the SOHO family. I am originally from Rockville, Maryland where I received my undergraduate degree in American History from the University of Maryland, with a minor in African and African American history. In my senior year a professor with a deep interest in the preservation of buildings and historic sites in the Washington D.C. area introduced me to the field of preservation. The more I learned about this field, the more I became aware of how much of a presence historic buildings have in the landscape we see everyday. That year, I took an internship at the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington that truly opened my eyes. Located in the oldest synagogue remaining in D.C, this non-profit organization taught me the benefits of preserving the past, and ways to incorporate these buildings into city designs. I learned, not only how important these buildings are to the communities that support them, but how much can be learned through their preservation.
After the internship and having earned my BS degree, I decided to pursue the historic preservation field at a graduate level. I entered the University of Vermont in Fall 2003, with the hope of receiving a Masters of Science in Historic Preservation in December 2004. One of the requirements of the program was to complete a summer internship in a position relating to historic preservation. After careful research, I applied for an internship with Save Our Heritage Organisation, with high hopes that the job would be a beneficial experience for my career orientation.
This opportunity has given me the chance to develop specific interests that made me want to go into the preservation field. I am working on a longtime goal of SOHO's. I am developing a historic preservation curriculum. It will be accessible through the SOHO website as an interactive program and will be promoted throughout the San Diego County school system. I have had a chance to meet with many diverse members within the fields of history, historic preservation and archeology, as well as the opportunity to gain skills that come with working at a non-profit agency. I feel very lucky to have this experience, and look forward to providing everyone updates as the curriculum develops.
Court Sets Aside Port's Coronado Belt Line Lease
SOHO Takes Leadership Role
Disposable World
San Diego's Un-Recovered Past Obliterated & Forever Lost
The Event of the Season
People In Preservation Award Winners
Coronado Ordinance Scores a Victory for Local Historic Preservation
Designation of Coronado Railroad to be Appealed
SOHO's Dedication to Preservation
Eleven Most Endangered Historic Resources
Another Save!!!
New Resources in the California Room
Meet Summer Intern Stephanie Gordin
Chris Ownby
Whaley House Educational Series
A Home Run for Preservation
2004 Annual Membership Meeting
Annual Call for Board of Director Nominations
The Whaley House Interior Restoration
The Verna House Restoration
The SOHO Museum Shop Reopens
A Guide to Modern San Diego
San Diego Modernism Weekend
SOHO Museum Shop at the Whaley House
Strength in Numbers
Lost San Diego
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