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Congratulations to the Winners of History Day in California Students

By Sandé Lollis

Dianne Jacobs & winner Alyssa Pupping

Alana Coons, Sandé Lollis & winner Lauren Boros

Representing SOHO, Alana Coons and I had the unique pleasure of participating in the awards segment of this year's "History Day in California," which is a statewide program sponsored by the Constitutional Rights Foundation and the California Department of Education in conjunction with National History Day. Now in its 21st year, History Day is a history-based learning experience for students from 4th-12th grades.

Each year a theme is chosen as a focus for the entries, which includes local, state, American or world history and is the basis by which the quality of the entries are judged. The students are on their own to learn about their topic and apply that knowledge hands-on through their projects. Students may create historical papers, exhibits, original performances, documentaries, websites, and posters in support of the annual theme. This year's theme was "Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange in History."

County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Dianne Jacob was on hand along with County History-Social Science Coordinator Laurie Mosier and History Day Coordinator Janet Mulder to present ribbons, certificates, and medals to honorable-mention and first-place winners. Hundreds of students, parents, and teachers, as well as representatives of other local organizations, were in attendance. Three hundred fifty students participated county-wide, and although the finalists were notified beforehand, no one knew until their names were called what place they had won. The room was filled with excitement; shrieks and gasps of surprise could be heard as each award was announced.

SOHO's own Historic Preservation Awards were presented to Lauren Boros and Ashley Walters of Oak Grove Middle School for their project, Dusty Migrants: Exploring a New Life, Encountering Hardship, Exchanging Heartache for Perseverance, and to Koriayn Christensen & Alyssa Pupping of Rancho Buena Vista High School for their project, Hustle and Bustle - Women's Clothing in the 1800's as it Reflected Their Place in Society. Both projects that SOHO selected were also chosen as winners to go to the California State Finals in Sacramento, April 30-May 2, 2004.

Alana and I were very proud of all the efforts put forth by the students in some truly unique projects. It was an honor for SOHO to be called on to be a part of this annual event, and we are looking forward to furthering our involvement next year.

2004 - Volume 35, Issue 2


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