Cabrillo Parkway-A Safe And Scenic 163
By David Swarens
For a year now, SOHO has been meeting monthly with CalTrans, City of San Diego and other interested organizations and individuals as a "Safe and Scenic 163" task force convened by City Council member Christine Kehoe along with council member Judy McCarty.
Our goal has been to retain and enhance the historic and scenic character of this vintage freeway as it flows in and out of downtown through Balboa Park, while addressing real or perceived issues of safety for those who travel it.
Originally heavily planted with California sycamore, eucalyptus and other trees in both the median and shoulder areas and transversed by closely fitted historic bridges, including the iconic Laurel Street Span, the roadway does not meet engineering and other standards currently in use.
After a frustrating year of trying to mesh incompatible standards and desires, SOHO introduced Diane Kane, Cultural Resources Specialist for CalTrans District 7 (Los Angeles), an architectural historian and trustee of C.P.F. (California Preservation Foundation), who has developed a program to address similar issues for the Arroyo Parkway (Pasadena Freeway).
Ms. Kane was invited by Christine Kehoe and CalTrans to join our group and share her work as was archeologist Martin Rosen who is with CalTrans San Diego area cultural resources staff.
In the meantime, at the committee's initiative through Kehoe's office, and with CalTrans support the "Cabrillo Parkway" this fall was designated a local historic site by the San Diego Cultural State Register of Historic Places; it has previously been determined to be eligible for national register listing.
SOHO has been represented by president Bruce Coons and myself, David Swarens. The committee also included Katheryn Willetts, architect and past chair of the San Diego Historic sites board, and Peggy Lacey of the Balboa Park Committee along with prominent landscape architects and others with very focused professional and personal expertise, including CalTrans Project Manager Greg Gastelum.
Working with CalTrans we hope to develop an award winning model project which will preserve the unique character of this local resource while providing "signposts" for historic roadways in other communities.
SOHO Assumes the Whaley House
President's Message
Ballpark Preservation Plans Continue Even As Construction Stops
Temple Beth Israel to be Saved From Demolition!!
Cabrillo Parkway-A Safe And Scenic 163
The Raising of the S.S. Catalina
The La Jolla Saga Continues
Preservation Action Subcommittee News
The California Preservation Foundation Chooses San Diego for Conference in 2001
Thank You For Your Support
SOHO Welcomes The New Board of Directors
Rest in Peace - Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant House
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