Presidio Park Plant Survey

Schinus terebinthifolia


Anacardiaceae family Brazil/Paraguay/Uruguay

Extremely durable and tenacious, the Brazilian pepper tree is endemic to wet and tropical regions of northeastern South America. It was exported in the 1840s and over the course of time has proved to be an invasive weed in the wetter, warmer regions of the world as well as in the United States. In drier climates such as the San Diego region it can prove invasive along moister coastal climates but less so in inland, warmer climates. It is a medium to large tree reaching heights of 30 feet, producing round red drupes that protrude from round clusters of leaves. Schinus terebinthifolius can make a nice hedge if closely monitored. Its flowers are white, inconspicuous, and small. Chauncy Jerabek recognized the Brazilian pepper tree in his 1969 walkthrough.


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