Presidio Park Plant Survey

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Eucalyptus woodwardii


Myrtaceae family Western Australia east of Kalgoorlie/Karonie

An interesting small mallee, this yellow flowered, drought tolerant Eucalyptus shows its inflorescence in late spring or early summer after producing its bell-shaped fruit. In the 1970s the toorwood was hybridized utilizing Eucalyptus woodwardii and Eucalyptus torquata as parent plants. The endemic range of the Eucalyptus woodwardii is very small, comprising only a small region east of Kalgoorlie, Australia. Although native to such a small area, the Eucalyptus woodwardii is a popular mallee on the streets of Australia. Introduced elsewhere in the world, it is known to grow well in Central America and Mexico as well as in the warmer southern United States climates. It is believed that Presidio Park has only one Eucalyptus woodwardii.


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