Presidio Park Plant Survey


Nyctaginaceae family Brazil

Bougainvillea is so prolific in the world today that scarcely anyone actually knows its native homeland. Growing in Mediterranean climates worldwide most bougainvillea are hybrids of the original species found by botanist Philibert Commerçon in what is now Brazil, in 1768. Interestingly, Monsieur Commerçon procured a male assistant for this long oceanic voyage by the French Navy, who it was later determined was in fact a woman. En route the captain discovered this deceitful ploy and with much trepidation spared both the botanist and his female companion from death, for treason. It is possible that she was in fact the first European to see the Bougainvillea species. Upon safely returning to France, botanist Philibert Commerçon named this plant after the captain of the boat, Louis Antoine de Bougainville who had spared his life and the life of his female companion. This is thought to be the way in which the first woman circumnavigated the globe.


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