Presidio Park Plant Survey

Beaumontia grandflora


Apocynaceae family Himalayas (lowlands)

This vigorous climber can reach heights of 30 feet and has large leaves sometimes 9 inches long with spring trumpet shaped flowers that are fragrant and 4-5 inches long. Its native habitat is large and can be found growing in rocky crags from Nepal, southern Tibet to Myanmar. Presidio Park's 10-foot specimen can be found growing tall with the assistance of a building built in the 1930s at the intersection of Presidio Drive and Jackson Street. "The genus was named in honor of Mrs. Diana Beaumont (1765-1831) of Bretton Hall, Yorkshire who was described in the Curtis Botanical Magazine Volume 7 (New Series) in 1833 as "an ardent lover and munificent patroness of horticulture."


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