Morgan Hurley & Ken Williams
Town Crier Award
With so much information flying at us every second of the day, focusing on what's important can be a challenge. Experienced journalists know how to present facts and tell relevant stories. Raising readers' awareness about our history and the development of San Diego's built environment is a bit more complicated. Three newspapers—Uptown News, Downtown News and Gay San Diego—consistently devote space throughout their print and digital pages to preservation issues, projects, and threats. Entire historic neighborhoods are benefitting from this informative coverage, and many readers are spurred to attend public meetings, write letters to decision makers, and more.
We're fortunate to have two editors who care about our region's heritage and historic preservation at the helm of these popular and influential community newspapers. They have gathered historians, community leaders, museum professionals, artisans, preservationists, and archivists of the LGBTQ community to write informative articles and persuasive columns on an ongoing basis. Regular readers stand to learn a lot and tend to be moved to act to protect their historic neighborhoods.
For their ongoing commitment to communicating the importance of our heritage and historic resources, editors Morgan Hurley and Ken Williams of the San Diego Community News Network have earned the Town Crier Award.
Pictured left to right - Ken Williams, editor of San Diego Uptown News; and Morgan Hurley, editor of both San Diego Downtown News and Gay San Diego. Publication photos courtesy award winners. Winners photo by Sandé Lollis
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