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City Of San Diego, Civic San Diego and Westfield LLC
Partners in Preservation Award

Kim Brewer, Jodie Brown, and Daniel KayThe ravages of time and ill-conceived social engineering nearly destroyed Horton Plaza Park, one of downtown San Diego's most historic public places. Everything that was once attractive about the park was made inhospitable and uncomfortable to keep homeless people from camping out. Broadway Fountain, its colorfully illuminated centerpiece, stopped flowing for years. SOHO saved the iconic fountain three times, which is why it appears on our logo.

Both the park and fountain take on increased significance when you know they were designed by Irving Gill, one of San Diego's most influential architects. Horton Plaza Park has been restored to its original 1910 appearance, with paving, furnishings, and pedestrian access for optimal use. The meticulously restored fountain is working again under a restored glass and bronze dome, with colored lights washing over it at night.

The long-awaited restoration of Horton Plaza Park and its signature Broadway Fountain amount to one of the most important public-private preservation projects the city has ever undertaken. It serves as a model for successful future partnerships.

Congratulations to the City Of San Diego, Civic San Diego and Westfield LLC, the highly deserving winners of the Partners in Preservation Award.

Pictured left to right - Kim Brewer of Westfield LLC, Jodie Brown of City of San Diego, and Daniel Kay of Civic San Diego. Historic photo courtesy SOHO. Current day photos by Daniel Kay. Winners photo by Sandé Lollis


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