La Jolla Light & Pat Sherman
Town Crier Award
Readership is growing for community newspapers because people want to know what's going on in their neighborhoods. This trend is a very good thing in the hands of intrepid reporters and editors who know their territory. Working in La Jolla, Pat Sherman has excelled in covering all facets of historic preservation, from triumph to tragedy and everything in between, writing solid stories the editor often deems worthy of the front page. Considered courageous in covering controversial designations, development projects that threaten historic resources, and the U.S. Postal Service's sweeping order to close historic post offices nationwide, this journalist and their paper have kept preservation issues front and center in a community especially rich in historic properties. The La Jolla Light itself is a reliable resource for information in a time when this is hard to find. Important to historians and the community, the articles are well researched and sources are cited, with over 100 articles devoted to historic sites in peril, heritage trees and landscapes, advocacy and spotlighting historic restorations as well. We commend the La Jolla Light for allowing and promoting the work of journalists such as Pat and his predecessors who cover preservation stories from all sides.
Photo by Sandé Lollis
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