Heart of Kensington
People in the Trenches
As Kensington celebrates its centennial this year, one community group stands out as a protector and promoter of this nearly intact neighborhood, which is a vibrant reminder of how the romantic Spanish Revival-style originated in Balboa Park, and then swept the nation. There are so many historic properties, street lights and cobblestone boundary pillars along Kensington's curved streets that the Heart of Kensington group has nominated part of it to be designated a city of San Diego historic district. This dedicated group also organizes an annual home tour to showcase landmarked homes in various styles. The historic, neon Kensington sign that spanned Adams Avenue was removed months ago, but will be replaced in kind, thanks to its defenders, including the Heart of Kensington. Even older are stately palm and pepper trees and ornamental street lamp posts not found anywhere else in San Diego. Through a newsletter, personal testimony and organized presentations, this group has stood up for the community to ensure that Kensington's historic character century-old streetscapes remain the driving force in any renewal projects.
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