Brothers United & Jennifer Hirsch
Historic Rescue
From 1927 until 1951, before the Civil Rights Movement, all of San Diego's African-American firefighters served at Fire Station #19 because of institutionalized racial segregation. The firefighters rose above the racism. They made the station an informal community center for the residents of Mountain View neighborhood and served as mentors to youngsters both black and white. The station closed when it was replaced, but Brothers United San Diego Firefighters, a group of current and former African-American firefighters continue to use it as a museum and gathering place. Jennifer Hirsch of the city of San Diego Planning Department stepped up to assist Brothers United by completing nomination papers for the station, which recently became a San Diego historic landmark. Fundraising has begun to restore the building, designed by San Diego master architects Charles and Edward Quayle, but it's not only historic architecture but their humanitarianism that compels us with pride to honor the Brothers United San Diego Firefighters and Jennifer Hirsch with the Historic Rescue Award.
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