Friends of Friendship Park
People in the Trenches
For several years, a large, diverse coalition has waged a very difficult battle against the triple border fence that is being constructed by the Department of Homeland Security at Border Field State Park, where western San Diego meets Tijuana. The Bush Administration waived more than 30 federal, state and local laws to erect this wall and a 48-foot-wide patrol road. Against what seem to be insurmountable odds and the vigilant Border Patrol, the coalition of preservationists, environmentalists, peace activists and religious leaders has not let up its protests against the social and environmental damage caused by walling off people and wildlife and disrupting natural ecosystems and historic sites. Adding to the indignity is the fact that this barricade is closing a historic place called Friendship Park, where generations of people on both sides of the border have been able to meet and visit with one another. Prayer services near the now-closed Friendship Park and lobbying of the Obama Administration are ongoing.
For sheer determination and multifaceted preservation strategies, we commend the Friends of Friendship Park with the People in the Trenches Award.
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