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Save Our Heritage Organisation

March 17, 2012
SOHO's Annual Historic Home Tour Weekend
Lecturer Bios

Alexander D. BevilAlexander D. Bevil
A professional historian since 1988, Alexander Bevil is no stranger to Bankers Hill, having recorded literally hundreds of historic homes and buildings in the area while an intern at the San Diego City Architect's office. His presentation is based on his award-winning essay on Weaver, a condensed version of which is contained in Towards a Simpler Way of Life: The Arts & Crafts Architects of California.

A graduate of San Diego State University, Alex has been a California State Parks Historian since 1998. Although based in San Diego, his work takes him to numerous State Parks throughout Southern California. His most recent accomplishment for State Parks was the successful nomination of a World War II bomber crash site to the California Register, the first of its kind in the State.

An active local preservationist, he is currently serving as President of the Congress of History of San Diego & Imperial Counties, and volunteering his time preparing a National Register of Historic Places nomination of the University Heights Water Storage and Treatment Plant for the North Park Historical Society.

Dan SoderbergDan Soderberg
Dan Soderberg is a native San Diegan, 4th generation Californian with family ties to San Diego pioneer Captain Henry Delano Fitch. His parents were residents of Bankers Hill during World War II, and so feels a connection with the neighborhood through that history. Dan is currently SOHO Vice President, Chair of SOHO's Modernism Committee (ModCom), and Chair of the Neighborhood Historic Preservation Coalition. He works professionally as a film maker (creator of SOHO's award winning documentary Four Decades of Historic Preservation in San Diego County), and architectural photographer. He is a 15 year resident of Normal Heights, serving on its Community Planning Group, and living in a 1927 bungalow, which he has worked to restore through the years.

Allen HazardAllen Hazard
A native San Diegan, Allen Hazard earned a Bachelor's Degree in History and currently teaches as an adjunct professor at three local colleges. He and his wife Janet live in a historically designated bungalow in Mission Hills; where they organized their neighbors to achieve the first residents-driven historic district in San Diego. A past SOHO board member, Allen helped found Mission Hills Heritage, and has written for Our Heritage magazine, and has presented lectures for SOHO in the past.

What Allen calls his near-obsession for the Prairie School, all things Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright has become a passion for studying the relationship between Prairie School design and local architecture.

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