Policy for Film Projects
At the Marston House Museum & Gardens
Permit Requirement
A site Film Permit is required when the filming, videotaping, sound recording or still photography involve the use of models, professional crews, set dressings, or props; when they involve product or service advertisement; when it is for wedding, family, graduation, maternity, and other types of photography sessions with a photographer and subject models; or when the activity could result in damage to park resources or disruption of visitor use. A permit is also required if the photographer wants to film in areas not open to the public, or before or after normal visitation hours. Email Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) at SOHOsandiego@aol.com if you are uncertain whether your project requires a permit.
To verify availability, and secure your appointment on the calendar, please submit your application at least two weeks prior to your prospective photography session.
Possible Supplementary Requirements
- A pre-production site visit with a representative from the production company
- Cooperation with a SOHO on-site supervisor for large or complex productions
- Additional insurance certificates may be required.
- Supply SOHO with a complimentary copy of the completed project for internal educational purposes
- Provide an on screen credit to SOHO and the Marston House Museum & Gardens
Media Breaking News
Breaking news is an event that cannot be covered at any other time or at any other location. Filming of breaking news does not involve advertising, sets, props, or models. Coverage of breaking news does not require a permit, but film crews may not disrupt park visitors, damage park resources, or compromise public health and safety regulations. Information on breaking news comes from SOHO staff.
Other Media
Frequently there are opportunities for news organizations to focus on Marston House Museum & Gardens programs, or increase public awareness of property-specific issues. Filming related to these stories must be coordinated and planned in advance. A permit will be issued if it is determined that the property would benefit from the increased public awareness. Contact SOHO to discuss your project.
SOHO collects two fees; the site film permit fee, and the security deposit. The amount of the security deposit will vary depending on the size and complexity of your permit.
Site film fees are determined by the following criteria:
- Type of shoot (wedding, editorial, commercial, stock, etc.)
- Duration of shoot
- Size of the crew
- Amount of equipment and complexity of setup used
- Location and amount of space used on the property
Applying for a permit
- Permit applications are available online HERE (2-page pdf)
- Complete the application including the site map indicating the exact location on the property where you wish to shoot
- Leave the fee section blank, as site film fee will be determined by SOHO
- Any special requests/needs will be handled on an individual basis at the time of the application
- Upon receipt of your application, you will be notified of the site film permit fee and security deposit, and if a certificate of insurance will be necessary
- If the application is approved, a Site Film Permit will be issued which must be carried while conducting activities on site
- The permit becomes valid once signed by the producer and SOHO, fees are paid in full, and supplementary requirements and conditions are agreed to
- Activities, areas of use, dates and times of filming (photographing) will not be modified without express approval of Save Our Heritage Organisation.
- SOHO reserves the right to refuse any application that is not in the best interest of SOHO and the Marston House & Gardens or revoke permission without notice if terms and conditions of the permit are violated.
Filming & Commercial Photography Rules & Regulations
- The taking of still, motion, video or sound pictures for commercial purposes in the Marston House Gardens requires a Site Permit approved and issued by Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO). The Site Permit will state any and all conditions pertaining to the use as SOHO shall determine, and the fee and charges to be paid for such use.
- Fees and charges, including a security deposit, for use of the Marston House Gardens for filming and commercial photography are established by SOHO and are to be paid prior to the issuance of the Site Film Permit.
- All fees, insurance certificates, city permits, and final permit application must be received before permission to film will be granted
- SOHO must be compensated for loss of business if filming will take place in areas that will prohibit customer access to revenue producing areas and all established facility rental fees must be paid in addition to film permit fees.
- Activities that will endanger public safety at the Marston House are prohibited. SOHO must have advance notice of all electrical needs, (whether or not you provide your own generators)
- If you plan to conduct interviews of visitors to the Marston House & Gardens, SOHO must pre-approve interview questions
- SOHO must pre-approve of the script for scenes to be shot on park grounds.
- Police Department and/or San Diego Fire Department may shut down a filming company at anytime if they feel it is endangering public safety.
- The permittee is responsible for leaving the area clean and litter-free. Upon completion of filming, the area being used for filming must be left free of litter or debris. A custodial and trash receptacle will be deducted from the security deposit of permittees who do not leave the Marston House property in the condition in which it was found.
- Any property damage which occurs during the permitted shoot, set-up or take-down, is the responsibility of the permittee. Damage to park property should be reported immediately. It will be assessed and repair costs billed to the permittee.
- Neither people nor equipment are allowed in the plant or flower beds at any time
- All vehicle and equipment parking must be on paved surfaces only. No parking will be allowed on the roots of trees, lawns, or other sensitive green spaces.
- The erection of structures, fences, poles, tents, stages, bleachers, portable toilets, the use of fire or fireworks, or the installation of electricity is prohibited. Pemittees must carry the permit and present it upon request. Permits will be revoked without payment of any compensation in the event of a breach of any laws, by-laws, or conditions set up herein or in force. Non-Compliance may also result in additional charges.
3525 Seventh Avenue, San Diego 92103
(619) 297-9327
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