Balboa Park Exposition Designers 1915-1935:
The Making of the Dream City
Held over through January 11, 2016
In partnership with the San Diego AIA Preservation Committee, the architects, designers, and landscape professionals of the two expositions will be showcased. From the well known Bertram G. Goodhue, Carlton Monroe Winslow, Frank P. Allen, Jr., and Richard Requa to the lesser known, but as integral to each Exposition's design, Paul Thiene, Clarence Stein, and Juan Larrinaga. The work of over 20 of the most significant designers will be presented with an exhibition of drawings and photographs with accompanying publications and architectural tours.
Click HERE for event press release.
Marston House Museum & Gardens
3525 Seventh Avenue in Balboa Park
Open · Friday-Monday 10am-5pm
Closed Christmas
Tours start every half hour and last 40-45 minutes
Please note: Last tour of the day begins at 4pm
Admission to Exhibition
(Includes full House Tour)
$15 Adults
$12 Seniors (65 & older) & Students (with ID)
$7 Children (ages 6-12)
Free for children 5 & under
SOHO Members receive unlimited free admission |
(Made possible with generous support from Randy Ables, Nancy Carol Carter, Chandler Art Consulting Services, Committee of One Hundred, Kim Grant Design, Inc., Heritage Architecture & Planning, IS Architecture, Johnson & Johnson Architecture, KPA Associates, Inc., and William Van Dusen.)