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May 17, 2018

Lonesome (1928)

Adobe Chapel, 3963 Conde Street in Old Town San Diego

A factory worker and a telephone operator, both lonesome as the title indicates, spend an enchanted day at Coney Island having fun together and falling in love, only to lose each other in the crowd. Will they find each other again, or go on being lonesome?

Lonesome is a part-talkie film by the Hungarian-born American director Paul Fejös, and stars Barbara Kent, Glenn Tryon, Fay Holderness, and Andy Devine.

"It's perhaps the ultimate film in urban alienation." — Dennis Schwartz, Ozus' World Movie Reviews

"[Director Paul] Fejös was required to add three dialogue scenes to satisfy the new talkie craze, but "Lonesome" is a mostly-silent film that showcases all the vitality of the late silent era. Influenced both by expressionism and formalism, Fejös pulled out on the stops, using elliptical cutting and superimposed imagery to transform even mundane events like getting dressed in the morning into dynamic sequences."—Christopher Long, Movie Metropolis.

When Thursday, May 17
Time 7:30pm · 69 minutes
Cost Free with RSVP at; $10 at the door
Seating is limited


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