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Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) proudly presents our 42nd annual People In Preservation awards. This year's program spotlights three transformative themes: the triumph of National Historic Districts, the ingenuity of adaptive reuse, and the enduring impact of lifetime preservationists.

Two communities recently achieved prestigious National Historic District status, an authentic grassroots demonstration of residents' commitment to preserving their shared heritage. These communities serve as shining examples of preservation work, inspiring others to revere and protect their own local history.

Innovative adaptive reuse projects share center stage for this year's awards, showcasing the creative and sustainable approach to preserving historic structures and providing vibrant, affordable housing. These projects not only preserve our architectural heritage but also address pressing urban needs for affordable housing while championing sustainability. This is preservation with a purpose—saving our planet, one building at a time.

SOHO is also recognizing the giants among us whose lifelong dedication and exemplary work have helped shape San Diego's preservation landscape. SOHO pays homage to these individuals whose accomplishments remind us that the passion of a few can create a lasting impact for many.

At the heart of these themes lies a universal truth: Preservation is about people. It's about fostering a sense of belonging, honoring our roots, and weaving the rich and diverse tapestry of the past into the fabric of our future. This year's Lifetime and Legacy Award winners embody this spirit, leaving an indelible mark on San Diego's cultural identity and distinctive character.

Bob Lehman will be our emcee for the PIP Awards for the PIP Awards ceremony on September 13 from 4 to 6pm. He brings a wealth of experience in arts and culture to this year's salute to preservation heroes. As executive director of the San Diego Museum Council, Bob advocates for over 80 museums and cultural institutions, including SOHO's own Marston House Museum & Gardens and Warner-Carrillo Ranch House Museum in Warner Springs.

Bob's multiple, multifaceted leadership roles underscore the deep connections between preservation and cultural enrichment. The head of the Museum Council is also vice chair of the San Diego County Arts & Culture Commission, chair of San Diego ART Matters, a member of the Arts + Culture: San Diego Task Force, and a member of the Balboa Park Cultural Advisory Board.

The 2024 PIP Awards Winners

  • Howard Greenberg, Lifetime Achievement - Adaptive Reuse of 18 downtown buildings
  • Diane Kane, Lifetime Achievement in historic preservation
  • Judy Swink, Legacy - Enduring accomplishments in cultural and environmental preservation
  • Mark G. Wiesner and Kerri Klein, Commercial Restoration and Adaptive Reuse of the 1926 Blanche Barry Apartments, San Diego
  • Talmadge Historical Society and Eileen Magno and Camille Jorgensen of Heritage Architecture & Planning, District Delivered Award - for the successful nomination of Talmadge Park Estates Historic District, San Diego, to the National Register of Historic Places and the creation of new preservation tools
  • Molly McClain, Seonaid McArthur, Diane Kane, and the La Jolla Historical Society, District Delivered Award - for successfully nominating the La Jolla Park Coastal Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places

SOHO's People In Preservation Awards continue to ignite passion and drive action in preserving San Diego's unique historical landscape. Be sure to join us in celebrating these heroes who ensure our city's stories and historic places endure for generations to come.

We encourage you to purchase your PIP tickets now for September 13 from 4 to 6pm in the lovely formal gardens at the Marston House, located at 3525 Seventh Avenue. The event begins with a one-hour reception with light hors d'oeuvres in the formal gardens. This is followed by the ceremony. Join us in celebrating your fellow preservationists at this popular event, which typically sells out quickly. You'll be among the first to enjoy the transformation of the historic gardens, designed in the 1920s by San Diego Master Architect William Templeton Johnson. This work is part of a $1 million exterior restoration of the Marston House. SOHO invites you to immerse yourself in cultural and horticultural history while connecting with the winners and fellow preservation enthusiasts in this beautiful outdoor setting.

Purchase tickets for the September 13 awards ceremony
Location Marston House Formal Gardens, 3525 Seventh Avenue, San Diego
When 4-6pm, September 13, 2024
Advance purchase only; no tickets will be sold at the door


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