Giving Tuesday
December 2015
Help make our End of Year campaign successful, learn more here: #GivingTuesdaySOHO.
Will you help advance SOHO's role in providing leadership, protecting neighborhoods from losing the places that matter to residents, building countywide outreach with decision-makers so they understand and invest in the vital and economic role of historic preservation.
- SOHO advocates both proactively and in response to specific threats to historic cultural and architectural resources. SOHO does this by providing effective advocacy. We work to advance strong preservation laws and incentives, and we take legal action when necessary and prudent.
- SOHO conducts architectural and specialty tours, events, and exhibitions throughout the year, introducing the public to the history and value of the San Diego region's built and natural environment.
- SOHO provides technical assistance and resources to members, homeowners, and private and public agencies. Through our advice, consultation, and research we identify for others how they too can be stewards of our collective heritage.
- Through our historic sites and 5 museums we interpret much of the rich architectural and cultural heritage of San Diego and add to the economic vitality of the communities our museums are in.
Thank you for your support of SOHO and historic preservation!
Make your #GivingTuesdaySOHO donation today.
Help spread the word on Facebook and Twitter with #GivingTuesdaySOHO