Presidio Park Arbor Restored Before 250th Commemoration
November/December 2018
 The restored Presidio Park arbor |
 Cracks like this one illustrate the high need for repair and maintenance. |
 Trash and dead plantings litter the landscape on a regular basis. All photos by SOHO staff |
Although a deteriorated Presidio Park is still listed on SOHO's 2018 Most Endangered List, the recent restoration of its arbor entrance is an exciting and collaborative win that will hopefully build momentum for other much needed repairs, restoration, and deferred maintenance projects in time for the city's 250th commemoration in July 2019.
Begun in 2016, the arbor project took two years to raise funds and complete the work. SOHO salutes Mission Hills Heritage, and especially its board member Sanford Lakoff, for leading this important preservation project. SOHO also commends Councilmember Chris Ward and the City's Park and Recreation Division for working with the community to restore the entrance.
Presidio Park is one of the country's most historically significant and culturally important sites. With the 250th anniversary of three firsts—mission, presidio, and Spanish settlement—on the country's west coast approaching so quickly, will this National Historic Landmark remain an embarrassing blot on SOHO's Most Endangered List in 2019? (Please see the 2018 MEL story.)
Or will the mayor, the city council, and other community stakeholders finally allocate funds and marshal the effort to maintain, interpret, and preserve this precious, irreplaceable landmark? Please contact Mayor Kevin Faulconer and your councilmember now to express your dismay at Presidio Park's severely neglected condition, and your strong support for its restoration in time for the 250th commemoration. Contact San Diego elected officials HERE. Thank you!