Traditions Revived
November 2016
Autumn weather is hinting at its arrival. For those of you longing to see fall colors, the backcountry is the best place to watch the leaves turn. Up at SOHO's Santa Ysabel Store, they'll soon be stoking up the wood burning stove to take that chill from the morning air. The store is ready for more visitors and looking its best. Choice merchandise has recently been refreshed and rearranged on both sides of the shop.
When SOHO opened up the feed store side for antiques and vintage resale, we were quickly embraced by locals and visitors alike, but now, there is truly a revival of the antiquing tradition that the backcountry was once famous for going on right now in Santa Ysabel, Wynola, and Julian. SOHO's Feed Store (inside of and adjacent to the general store) is part of this trend. The store's new arrangement makes more room for vintage goods, just in time, too. A generous donation of Victorian furnishings from a SOHO supporter has just been received. It includes a set of five chairs, a mantle mirror, washstand, and dresser. They are all in excellent condition and priced to sell.
Sales are looking up and visitors are stopping by regularly now looking for new things. That means we need to remind all SOHO members and supporters to continue helping to stock the Feed Store. Maybe you are downsizing, redecorating, or recycling. Keep the Feed Store in mind. What treasures are hiding in your attic, garage, or storage bin? Your donations are making the shop a success. Tell your friends and neighbors too; they may have items to give. Remind them of the possible tax deduction and the good feeling that comes from supporting historic preservation.
In the general store, many new products are at hand, while favorites have been restocked: soaps, candles, dry goods, teas, and cocoas. We also like to highlight local products like Rio Del Rey beans and delicious homemade fudge, from neighboring Borrego.
A new Farmers Market directly across from the store is also just getting off the ground too, so by all means, come up and visit. It's autumn at the intersection of Highways 78 and 79.