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save our heritage organisation

Vote No on Proposition I: Balboa Park Lease for San Diego High
November 2016
By A. Hayes

Save Our Heritage Organisation strongly opposes the San Diego Charter Amendment known as Proposition I, Balboa Park Lease for San Diego High School. The SOHO board of directors voted on July 28 to oppose Ballot Measure I because the vague language and various loopholes of the charter amendment will lead to much destruction of parks and parkland in the future, if approved. Specifically, this amendment would set a precedent to reduce current Balboa Park protections from a requirement for two-thirds of voter approval to a simple majority.

However, SOHO is NOT opposed to finding another way to extend San Diego High School's lease of Balboa Park land. Upon expiration of the current lease, San Diego Unified School District should pay market rate rent and/or exchange the education center property which includes the Teacher�s Training Annex #1 in University Heights with the City. The handsome Italian Renaissance Revival building and grounds, which are on SOHO's Most Endangered List, could be transformed into a new park and library for the community, which is severely deficient in parkland and public facilities.

Vote NO on Proposition I to ensure special interests do not take over and destroy our precious Balboa Park, the sparkling emerald of San Diego.













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