North Park and Golden Hill Plan Updates Approved
November 2016
Led by Council member Todd Gloria, the San Diego City Council unanimously approved the North Park and Golden Hill Community Plan Updates on October 25. SOHO is thankful for all the support from those who attended in person and submitted written comments to the Council.
After nearly 10 years of frustration and compromise, these two community plan updates were approved after several hours of public testimony and Council deliberation. More than 50 people testified about these plans, including SOHO's executive director, Bruce Coons, the chair of the Historical Resources Board (HRB), and representatives from the North Park and Golden Hill planning groups.
Council member Gloria made the motion to approve the staff recommendation supporting both plans, but included three additional provisions to help implement the historic districts as soon as possible and to provide mitigation for the effect these plans will have on historic resources. These provisions are changes to the 11th update of the Land Development Code, adoption of the staff's historic district work plan, and referral of the "supplemental development regulations"* to the HRB Policy Subcommittee.
The Land Development Code will be updated in 2017 to include historic preservation incentives, which are to exempt historic resources from parking requirements and floor area ratio (FAR) calculations. The work plan proposes to implement all 13 of the North Park and Golden Hill identified historic districts within 6 years and to begin work in January 2017.
Last, the supplemental regulations are to be revised and vetted through the HRB Policy Subcommittee and brought back to Council in 12 to 18 months. While the Council understood such interim regulations are needed to protect historic neighborhoods until they can become historic districts, the members also acknowledged that taking the time to devise an appropriate ordinance is in everyone's best interest.
Congratulations to North Park and Golden Hill on making it to the finish line! Now let's work with the city staff to get these 13 historic districts established.
*The "supplemental development regulations," as proposed, would apply to potential historic districts (residential only) as a method of protecting these areas from change until they can be brought forward for designation.