November 2015 Advocacy Notes
By Amie K. Hayes
SOHO is further developing our speaker program for groups to take better advantage of outreach and education opportunities, and we're using approaches that may surprise you. Our message has always been that historic preservation fits easily into many aspects of the business community and into people's lives; they simply may not always recognize it. Each presentation is an opportunity to interest new people in SOHO's mission by making it fresh and relevant to them.
First, we determine how best to identify with each group, then tailor our presentation to their interests and focus. Some, like the San Diego Floral Association, share our passion for the history of gardens, plants and people, while others, such as SIRVA, which held a worldwide corporate relocation conference recently in La Jolla, may be hearing our preservation message for the first time.
We look at a carefully selected topic through the lens of historic preservation. The trick is to zero in on a museum, site, historical figure or appealing theme. Once established, this topic offers a natural segue to SOHO's mission.
 Marston Formal Gardens |
 Warner-Carrillo Ranch House |
Of course, the Floral Association is interested in the Marston House and its gardens, which form a cultural landscape that is one of SOHO's stated priorities. Connecting the concept of a cultural landscape and the group's attraction to the property creates a strong link to SOHO, and vice versa.
The presentation for the relocation specialists focused on San Diego's history, their primary interest, and emphasized SOHO's historic sites. In telling the story of San Diego's development, the audience learned the significance of the museums SOHO operates and how these fit into the historical record. This approach offers a far more personal look at the sites than standard guide book fare. Through this lens, big picture goals are better understood when we tap into curiosity and experience, and interest develops around a museum or theme. Ideally, this brings increased support for SOHO's mission.