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San Diego Presidio: Shadows of the Things That Have Been
September/October 2024

We're pleased to share with you an important new addition to SOHO’s website: “Shadows of the Things That Have Been,” a newly published ceramics analysis and identification guide. Authored by Stephen R. Van Wormer, Susan D. Walter, and Sue A. Wade, this comprehensive six-part report delves into at least 1,294 ceramic vessels uncovered during the excavation of the San Diego Presidio chapel complex. Deposited as refuse between 1820 and 1837, the vessels include Native American brownware, Mexican ceramics, and Old World ceramics that consisted of Chinese and English wares.

This study meticulously identifies all vessels represented in the collection, exploring their archaeological and cultural meanings and contexts. The report also quantifies the artifacts by sherd count, weight, and minimum number (MNV), offering valuable insights into their use and significance.

If you’re interested in the Presidio’s rich history, you can access the full report on SOHO’s website.

Photo above This stratigraphy was used on the report cover, and is not to be construed as actual stratigraphy within the Chapel Assemblage Excavations. The items and snips are not to scale. The English, Chinese, and Mexican sherds are framed with black, the Native American items on the dirt at the bottom are not. Courtesy Stephen Van Wormer

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