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Balboa Park's Pan American Plaza Moves Toward Restoration
By Marlena Krcelich
September/October 2019

Thanks to all who attended the August 1 Balboa Park Committee meeting to support the City of San Diego staff's recommendation to restore the 1935 Pan American Plaza, or Palisades, as it is also known.

The Committee of One Hundred, which spearheaded this important project, was joined by SOHO and many other park organizations, park activists, residents, and community stakeholders. SOHO provided a formal letter to the Balboa Park Committee and the city's Park and Recreation Department staff and public comment. In both, SOHO endorsed the restoration as planned and previously approved by the City Council in the Balboa Park Master Plan (1989) and the Central Mesa Precise Plan (1992). The meeting was very well-attended and the committee, City staff, and audience all seemed gratified to hear little opposition.

City of San Diego Park and Recreation, Balboa Park.

City of San Diego Park and Recreation, Balboa Park. Courtesy South Palisades Plaza Project PowerPoint, Slide 7

The City and its Park and Recreation Department duly recognized the importance the Palisades restoration plan to San Diegans and to the park's historic integrity. The Pan American Plaza is included in the park's National Register Historic District. The new, landscaped plaza will significantly reduce pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, promote better tram service and accessibility, and provide more public space.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this exciting and long-awaited preservation project for Balboa Park.

Read SOHO's letter.













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