Whose City?
A Conversation about the Centennial Bridge and Plaza de Panama
September/October 2018
Dr. Lawrence Herzog and Howard Blackson host this podcast about San Diego's urban future that will focus on Irwin Jacobs' "Centennial Bridge" and Plaza de Panama project. Join guests for a thoughtful discussion on this important San Diego urban issue.
Whose City? tackles the critical issues facing San Diego, through the lens of the physical environment, neighborhoods, buildings, streets, public spaces, traffic circulation, land use, community planning, and future development projects. The podcast features two local urban policy, planning, and urban design experts, Howard Blackson, urban design director at AVRP Skyport, and Larry Herzog, professor, and coordinator of the Graduate Program in City Planning at SDSU.
Tune in here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/whose-city/id1401602618?mt=2