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Henry B. Jones House Relocated to Mission Hills
September/October 2018

Photo courtesy of City of San Diego, via the California Historical Resources Inventory Database (CHRID)

The long-anticipated relocation of the Henry B. Jones House, from 4040 Fifth Avenue in Hillcrest to 4114 Ibis Street in Mission Hills, finally happened in the early morning hours of Sunday, July 1, 2018. Scripps Mercy Hospital arranged a farewell gathering on June 30 to acknowledge and thank those involved with this multi-year preservation effort.

Jones, the first president of Hillcrest's first bank, commissioned this house for his family in 1911. Ninety-nine years later, in 2010, when the hospital first decided to expand its facilities, it planned to demolish the house. However, fervent advocacy efforts to save the residence by the Hillcrest History Guild and SOHO, plus testimony from local historian Ron May (then a board member of HHG) and other community activists, led to its historic designation a year later in 2011 as an excellent example of an Arts and Crafts era home.

Scripps was finally granted a Site Development Permit to relocate the Jones House by the City of San Diego in late 2017. Now in its new location, the house's exterior will undergo restoration. The Diocese of San Diego will be responsible for rehabilitating the interior for use by the priests of St. Vincent de Paul in Mission Hills.

Watch the move
Thanks to Gregory May for filming the move in the middle of the night for all of us to enjoy at leisure.

Video courtesy Gregory May













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