New Julian Back-Country Antique Trail Map Leads to SOHO Stores
September 2016
By Bobbie Bagel
Summer's winding down, fall is in the air. It's time to start thinking about a drive to San Diego's backcountry. To make the trip even more enjoyable this year, take advantage of the new Julian Back-Country Antique Trail map! It draws attention to some of the antiques and vintage shops along the way to Julian that might otherwise be overlooked.
Local real estate agent Lisa Ballard got her agency, Krueger Realty, to sponsor the map by paying the design fees. Julian artist Leslie Crouch, of Wet Duck Design, created it in a style reminiscent of the popular mid-century icon, Charley Harper. The meandering route is sprinkled with illustrations of apple trees, deer, a herd of cattle, and a flock of wild turkeys.
Number one, the first stop on the Antique Trail map, is our very own restored historic Santa Ysabel Store! Located at the Junction of Highways 78 and 79, the store has the maps for travelers. This can help introduce many new visitors to the shop and to SOHO. They can enjoy some old-fashioned fudge and cold sodas, while they browse among a unique selection of carefully curated collectibles and gourmet artisan products. SOHO's adjacent Feed Store offers antiques and collectibles, and its offerings are always changing.
SOHO members and supporters, please note: When you go to the backcountry, consider bringing some neglected treasures that are crammed into the corners of your attic or garage to donate to the Santa Ysabel Feed Store. Whether it is a set of china, an old painting, quilt, or mantel clock, the store can find it a new home. Donations are most welcome and proceeds benefit SOHO.
Number four on the map is Heartland Vestige. During Apple Days, Julian's autumn celebration on September 24 and 25, this shop will host a flea market. Ballard says the new map can help alert visitors to special events like this. "There is so much to do in Julian, hiking, wine-tasting, horseback riding, dining and more. . ."