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Changes to the Historical Resources Board
August 2016
By A. Hayes

The San Diego City Council approved six new board members and one reappointment to the Historical Resources Board on July 12. To see the Mayor's Appointee Memo, click HERE. At the same time, they also denied the reappointments of Richard (Tom) Larimer and Michael Baksh. SOHO learned this item would be on the council's agenda late the previous week. Nonetheless, we mobilized our membership, including the La Jolla Historical Society and the Hillcrest History Guild, to write letters and testify at the hearing.

The preservation-related experience and expertise that appointees bring to the Historical Resources Board (HRB) is a crucial component of San Diego's historical policy, or regulation within the land use code (scroll to §111.0206). In order to equip the HRB with qualified volunteer professionals, this policy requires certain candidates (under the federal certified local government program) to meet preservation criteria in fields that include architecture, architecture history, landscape architecture, and archaeology. This program also requires board members with experience in associated professions, such as law or real estate, to be represented by candidates who have an interest in historic preservation. Following the rules of the certified local government program is important because this allows and even prioritizes the city for funding to undertake projects such as the ongoing LGBTQ context statement or implementing historic districts.

At the council hearing, SOHO and various others advocated for everyone being appointed and reappointed to either meet the specified criteria or have demonstrated an interest in historic preservation. In addition to those on the slate who do not have a clear preservation interest, SOHO opposed the reappointments of Larimer and Baksh, due to a lack of experience and education in preservation. Although these two reappointments were denied, we are troubled that these men will continue to serve on the board until their successors are approved by City Council. Also of concern are several new appointees whose experience, expertise or interest in preservation are unknown. Though time will tell if the new members' service is to the betterment of San Diego's historical resources, SOHO has reached out to all the new board members. We are encouraged that some have responded and have begun to dialogue with us.

SOHO is grateful for the years of well-qualified and knowledgeable service on the HRB from those just leaving the board. Thank you, Maria Curry, Gail Garbini, Chairman John Lemmo, and Abel Silvas.













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