Thinking About You and Reopening Our Museums
July/August 2020
 Warner-Carrillo Ranch House Museum Photo by Bruce Coons |
SOHO has members and supporters all around the world, so wherever you are right now, we wish you well and hope you are in a place of safety and good health. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
Mercifully, our team and board of directors are all healthy here. While facilities and curatorial work goes on daily, most of us are working from home. That's going very well so far, and while everyone is as productive as ever, we are also emphasizing self-care and encouraging a mindful balance between work and home. We wish the same for you. Take care of yourself at this unprecedented stressful time.
SOHO closed our museums and sites days earlier than other museums, and we will likely be one of the last to open. We are adamant about the safety of our staff, volunteers, and visitors. The loss of revenue is a tremendous burden, but the health and safety of others must come first.
Right now, we are working to determine the safest approach to reopening our museums and sites for tours, and eventually for programs. But the situation is quite fluid. We have detailed reopening safety and cleaning protocols in place that the entire team worked on to assure every detail is covered, especially because each of our sites requires different measures. There is much to do, but all the planning and preparation will ensure that we are 100% ready to reopen at the right time.
Therefore, all our museums and historic sites remain closed until further notice. We cannot provide even a tentative reopening date at this time, with so many unknowns, and factors beyond our control. You will, of course, be the first to know when we finally are able to re-open!
Your support is always vital to SOHO, but never more so than now, as we face enormous loss in the absence of program revenue, while unavoidable operating and maintenance expenses continue. We really do need your help, if you are able to contribute. Donate HERE.
If you are a SOHO member, please consider renewing your 2020 membership early. If you're not yet a member, please join us! And, of course your donation of any amount is most welcome, with our deep gratitude.
And, please, take care of yourself and your family, wear a mask, and continue to practice physical distancing to help care for all our communities. We look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe to do so.
Thank you from all of us at SOHO. You can count on us to continue our essential work.