ACHP Launches Traditional Trades Training Task Force
By Marlena Krcelich
July/August 2020
 Crafts workers restore a historic interior. Photo courtesy Inhabitat.com |
The national Advisory Council on Historic Preservation announced the formation of the ACHP Traditional Trades Training Task Force in May 2020. This task force will help develop a skilled workforce trained in preservation trades to maintain, restore, and preserve historic places of all types. Professionals in architecture, historic preservation, and education are guiding the training program, assisted by the Department of the Interior, National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Park Service, and Department of Education representatives.
This effort to bring back historic preservation trades is desperately needed at a time when few young people are considering a career in trades. Without the skills of dedicated tradespeople, historic preservation would entail only ideas and prospects, without tangible results. The Traditional Trades Training Task Force offers in-depth education, formal training, and a clear path to a well-paying job. The program's standards and guidelines will also lead to more consistent preservation techniques and methodologies, while keeping pace with new technology. Tradespeople are the frontline workers of historic preservation, and this is a big step in recognizing and advancing the value of their work on a larger scale.
While we are excited by the cultivation of new young tradespeople, the greater San Diego area is fortunate to have a plethora of skilled crafts workers already actively preserving our built environment. SOHO's Old House Resource Directory provides contact information for all of these professionals. If you would like to be a part of SOHO's directory, submit your complimentary business listing HERE for consideration.