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Update: Important State and Federal Legislation
July/August 2019

Henry B. Jones House

Several state and federal legislative bills, with mixed potential, are in play in 2019. While some of these proposals are exciting for historical preservation, SOHO has grave concern for other bills, including CA Senate Bill 50 (SB 50), which will again rear its ugly head in January 2020. For more information on how SB 50 would damage or destroy historic neighborhoods, see these links:

Another important update proposed for the National Register of Historic Places, operated by the National Park Service, would be detrimental to preservation. NPS recently solicited comments on proposed rule changes that would make listing federally owned properties more difficult and alter the process favoring large land owners when property owners object to new historic districts. Having received 3,000-plus comments opposing these changes, Congress urged NPS to withdraw the proposal and consult with stakeholders, including the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Positive legislation includes the FY 2020 Interior-Environment Funding Bill, approved by the House on June 25 for $37.28 billion. Approximately $7 billion more than what was proposed by the Trump administration, this bill funds programs within the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency. This means increased funding for the Heritage Partnership Program and record funding for the Historic Preservation Fund at $121.66 million�a $19 million increase over last year. See a summary of all the House voted for, click HERE.

Then there is the bipartisan National Park Service deferred maintenance legislation, which would provide dedicated and reliable funding to address the crucial maintenance backlog for our national parks. Keep track of the Restore Our Parks and Public Lands Act (H. R. 1225) and the Restore Our Parks Act (S 500).













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