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July 2015 Advocacy Notes
By Amie K. Hayes

The month of August often coincides with thoughts of the future as the summer ends and a new season begins. The close of SOHO's summer brings these great programs: This Place Matters; a citywide study on the LGBTQ community; two new historical designations by the Historical Resources Board; and a call to action for residents to become involved in your community's planning process.

Ché Café, added to SOHO's list of most endangered historic resources for 2015

As a partner with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, SOHO is also participating in the This Place Matters campaign to bring visibility to important historic buildings and sites, such as those on the 2015 Most Endangered List. Just download and print the orange campaign pin, then take a "selfie" or group photo in front of the historic resource that matters to you and hold up the pin. Last, post the photo to your Facebook or Twitter account, tag SOHO, and #ThisPlaceMatters. For those preservationists who like a challenge, become a program participant at all 10 endangered sites and you will receive an appreciation gift from SOHO for promoting the visibility of these endangered resources!

Community Profiles - Click image above or HERE for more details at the Planning Department site

The City Council and Historical Resources Board (HRB) each took steps toward preservation goals by voting to accept the state grant award to study the gay and lesbian community of San Diego, and through the historical designation of two more resources in the Uptown and Kensington communities. The grant was voted upon at the July 28 Council meeting and requires $20k of matching municipal funds. The funding is to create a historic context statement about the LGBTQ community and to utilize more recent technology, such as social media and municipal web programs, in addition to oral interviews to collect information. The context statement is a broad narrative that explains how specific areas of the existing built environment have meaning and associations to the LGBTQ community. This statement can then inform future land use decisions, environmental reviews, and preservation goals.

A common topic at SOHO's monthly Preservation Action meeting (PAC) is the ongoing and long-term effort to update community plans. These plans are an important resource, and planning tool for City officials to implement a community vision that articulates the future of land use, transportation (traffic and people circulation), affordable housing, historic preservation, and open space. More importantly, the process to update these community plans is a critical opportunity and a shout out for all San Diego residents to get involved and empower your community! Devising the future of San Diego involves a variety of integrated topics with needed expertise from all ages and walks of life.

We urge residents to engage with San Diego's future by protecting its past. To learn more about the City's general plan and the adopted Preservation element of it, download this PDF (17 pages).













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