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Join the Fight: Protect San Diego's Historic Neighborhoods Now
May/June 2024

Right now, the City of San Diego is at a crossroads, facing proposed reforms that prioritize development over the conservation of our historic landmarks.

As we have been reporting, the mayor's office recently announced plans to "modernize" historic property regulations, with a focus on streamlining new home construction. However, these reforms threaten to erode the very essence of what makes San Diego special. They risk transforming our neighborhoods into cookie-cutter landscapes devoid of character and charm.

The misconception that historic preservation and development are at odds is something made up by developers and YIMBYs so that they have something to pit people against each other. But the truth is that they can coexist harmoniously, with planning and community input. By advocating for strong preservation measures, we ensure that San Diego retains its identity while accommodating responsible growth.

Furthermore, historic preservation isn't just about preserving the past; it's about building a sustainable future. Reusing existing structures reduces resource consumption and promotes environmental stewardship. It's a win-win for both our cultural heritage and our planet.

Now is the time to take action. Let your voice be heard by emailing Together, we can ensure that San Diego's collective history is preserved for future generations, enriching our city's fabric, and preserving its soul.

Please see this detailed call for action for what you can do.












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