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Follow HRB meetings from anywhere
May/June 2022

Photo of an HRB meeting

Photo courtesy Helen Rowe Allen

The City of San Diego Historical Resources Board meets monthly in City Hall, but you can watch the proceedings from your home, studio, or wherever you may be, on the fourth Thursday of the month at 1pm. Hear the board debate the architectural details of distinguished, old homes and whether they qualify for the local historical landmarks list. Learn about San Diego’s evolution, prominent architects and citizens, architectural and landscape styles, and how the board evaluates neighborhoods seeking to become historic districts. You can even make a public comment via Zoom during parts of the meeting.

“The Historical Resources Board is the appointed body with authority over historical resources within the City of San Diego,” says the City’s website. Duties and responsibilities of the board include designating individual historical sites, establishing historical districts and reviewing development projects that may affect historical resources. The City requires that the 11 members represent relevant professions, such as architecture, art history, archaeology, law, and real estate, and should have demonstrated a special interest in historical preservation.

Here’s your easy-to-navigate digital gateway to the how and why of HRB business:

Find current and past meeting agendas and staff reports HERE.

The next meeting is May 26 at 1pm. Meetings usually run about three hours. Watch via this link.













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