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SOHO Releases Compelling Affordable Housing Brief
May/June 2022

Photo of a bungalow court

This bungalow court at 4270-4273 Campus Avenue demonstrates one type of NOAH in San Diego. Courtesy San Diego Bungalow Courts and Apartment Courts Historic Context Statement

SOHO, along with thousands of San Diegans, has noted and discussed how housing affordability is an increasing crisis of major concern for our county’s present and future. The loss of naturally occurring affordable housing (another name for unsubsidized) is compounding the problem.

An obvious and potentially widespread solution would be to reinvest in, preserve, and adapt older buildings for housing, yet neither the City nor County of San Diego has embraced this nationally proven solution. SOHO argues that older and/or historically designated buildings are inherently more affordable and sustainable than new construction, enable more housing to be produced faster and less expensively, and don’t contribute tons to already brimming landfills.

This is why SOHO has created a strong, logical preservation brief, Older Buildings Support Affordable Housing, which explains this complex issue, proposes recommendations, and highlights both local success stories and missed opportunities. This brief targets City and County officials and leaders as well as all San Diegans to understand how older buildings play a crucially important role in meeting affordability and housing needs. Please read, share, and post this affordable housing brief with your family, friends, and neighbors.













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